The Communicable Disease Control manual includes guidelines on recommended practices for the follow-up of selected communicable diseases, and is intended for use by public health professionals in Saskatchewan. Please refer to the disclaimer as it provides other references that should be consulted in conjunction with this manual.
Respiratory and Direct ContactIntroduction and General ConsiderationsCOVID-19DiphtheriaGroup A Streptococcal Disease (invasive)Haemophilus influenzaeInfluenza, seasonalInfluenza, AvianLegionellosisLeprosy (Hansen's Disease)MeaslesMeningococcal Disease (invasive)MpoxMumpsNeonatal Group B StreptococcusPertussisPneumococcal Disease (invasive)RubellaRubella Congenital Rubella Syndrome/Infection (CRS/CRI)Severe Respiratory Illness (SRI)Varicella (Chickenpox)Community Respiratory Illness Suveillance Program (CRISP)Infectious Respiratory Illness Surveillance in Emergency DepartmentsSec 2 - Attachment - Travel ProtocolsSec-2 - Attachment - Notification of Fatal Outcomes of COVID or InfluenzaSec 2 - Attachment - Template Letter - Reporting Case Illness to Public HealthSec 2 - Attachment - Template Letter - Increased Illness Activity
Section 22-102-202-302-402-502-602-652-702-802-902-1002-1052-1102-1202-1402-1502-1602-1652-1702-2102-2202-220a
Oct 2010Oct 2023Oct 2010Sept 2018Sept 2018Sept 2023May 2024Feb 2011Feb 2011Jul 2024Sept 2018Aug 2024Sept 2018Aug 2011Nov 2018Sept 2018Aug 2011Aug 2011Jan 2015May 2017Dec 2022Oct 2020Jun 16, 2022Sept 30, 2023Oct 12, 2023Oct 12, 2023
All attachments are included in pdf version in their associated sections/chapters. These selected attachments are provided as:
Respiratory and Direct Contact - Section 2
Sec 2 - Notificaiton of Fatal Outcome of COVID or Influenza2-30 - Diphtheria Case Investigation Worksheet - 2-30 - Diphtheria Contact Investigation Worksheet - 2-30 - Diphtheria Template Letter to Parents - 2-40 - Streptococcal Invasive Disease (group A) Data Collection Worksheet2-50 - Haemophilus Influenza Type B Invasive Disease Data Collection Worksheet2-50 - Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Invasive Disease-Prophylaxis Recommended Sample Letter - 2-50 - Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Invasive Disease-Prophylaxis NOT Recommended Sample Letter - 2-65 - Sample Contact Mangement Form2-70 - Legionellosis Data Collection Worksheet2-80 - Leprosy Data Collection Worksheet 2-90 - Measles Data Collection Worksheet 2-90 - Letter to a Measles Case - 2-90 - Letter to a Measles Contact - 2-90 - Letter to a School or Group Exposed to a Measles Case - 2-100 - Meningococcal Disease (invasive) Data Collection Worksheet2-105 - Mpox Data Collection Worksheet2-110 - Mumps Data Collection Worksheet2-140 - Pertussis Data Collection Worksheet2-150 - Pneumococcal Disease, Invasive Data Collection Worksheet2-170 - Severe Acute Respiratory Illness - SARI - Screening Tool - 2-210 - Varicella Data Collection Worksheet2-220 - COVID-19 and Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance in Emergency Departments - Sec 2 - Attachment - Template Letter - Reporting Case Illness to Public Health - Sec 2 - Attachment - Template Letter - Increased Illness Activity -
Enteric Illness - Section 33-30 - Amoebiasis Data Collection Worksheet3-60 - Campylobacteriosis Data Collection Worksheet3-80 - Crytosporidosis Data Collection Worksheet3-90 - Cyclosporiasis Data Collection Worksheet3-100 - E.coli Data Collection Worksheet3-110 - Giardiasis Data Collection Worksheet3-120 - Hepatitis A Data Collection Worksheet3-130 - Listeriosis Data Collection Worksheet3-170 - Salmonella Data Collection Worksheet3-180 - Shigellosis Data Collection Worksheet3-200 - Typhoid/Paratyphoid Data Collection Worksheet3-210 - Yersiniosis Data Collection Worksheet
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases - Section 44-20 - Anthrax Data Collection Worksheet4-105 - Q Fever Data Collection Worksheet4-110 - Interjurisdictional Referral Following an Animal Exposure Form4-150 - WNV Physician Reporting Form -
Sexually Transmitted Infections - Section 5Sec 5 - Attachment - Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Notification Form Sec 5 - Attachment - Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Public Health Follow-up Sec 5 - Attachment - Congenital Syphilis Notification Form Combined (fillable) Sec 5 - Attachment - Congenital Syphilis Notification Form Combined (non-fillable)Sec 5 - Attachment - Syphilis Notification Form (fillable)Sec 5 - Attachment - Syphilis Notification Form (non-fillable)Sec 5 - Attachment - Syphilis Public Health Follow-up
Blood and Body Fluid Pathogens - Section 66-20 - Hepatitis B Notification Form6-30 - Hepatitis C Notification Form 6-40 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus Notification Form 6-40 - AIDS Case Report Form
Outbreaks - Section 9Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigation Protocol (SK-FIOIP)Annex 2: Agency Roles and Responsibilities for Foodborne Illness Outbreak Management9-10 - Outbreak Notification Report and Summary Form - 9-50 - Long Term Care Enteric Outbreak Infection Control Measures Sample Checklist - 9-60 - Tamiflu Approval for Influenza Outbreak Form -