Saskatchewan Health Cards
All Saskatchewan residents must register themselves and their dependents for a Saskatchewan Health Card in order to receive health benefits.
The Sasaktchewan Health card should be presented whenever you need health services.
Apply, replace or update your health card - Locate the necessary from by selecting "Apply for a Health Card" or "Update or Replace a Health Card" from the left hand menu. Instructions to submit your application are on the form.
Click here for current health card application processing wait times
Applications are always processed in the order they are received.
Organ Donation
Saskatchewan Organ and Tissue Donor Registry has replaced the Organ Donor stickers and Intention to Donate cards previously distributed with health card renewal packages.
Register online.
Speak to your family about your wishes to be a donor. In Saskatchewan, organs and tissues will not be donated without your family or next-of-kin's consent.
Get more information about organ and tissue donation.