Eligibility for Health Benefits
Find out if you are eligible for health coverage in Saskatchewan. Are you:
Ukrainians Arriving in Saskatchewan under the CUAET Program
If you and your family are moving to Saskatchewan under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) Program, you will need to submit either an online or paper application form to apply for Saskatchewan health benefits. To avoid delays in processing your application please follow the instructions below.
Once your application is processed you will receive a letter providing confirmation of health coverage details. Use this letter to obtain health services until you receive your health card in the mail.
Moving from Saskatchewan
If you and your family are moving to another province/territory in Canada at the same time, your Saskatchewan Health Card is valid for the remainder of the month, in which you moved, plus the next two full months.
For example, if you move from Saskatchewan on September 27, your Saskatchewan health coverage would end November 30.
Contact eHealth Saskatchewan and give them your new address and your moving date.
It is recommended that you register for health benefits in your new home province immediately upon arrival.
Married/Common-Law Couples Moving on Different Dates
If you are moving from Saskatchewan to another province/territory Canada, and your spouse will be joining you within 12 months of your departure, then your Health Cards will both be valid until the end of the second month following the month your spouse leaves the province.
For example, if you move from Saskatchewan on January 2 and your spouse joins you on June 10, then you will both have Saskatchewan health coverage until August 31.
If your spouse does not join you within 12 months of your departure, then you will each be considered individually. You will have Saskatchewan health coverage until the end of the 12-month period and your spouse will have coverage until the first day of the third calendar month following his or her arrival.
For example, if you move from Saskatchewan on January 1, 2017 and your spouse joins you on June 10, 2018, then you have Saskatchewan health coverage from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 and your spouse will be covered from January 1, 2017 until August 31, 2018.
Moving to Saskatchewan
If you and your family are moving to Saskatchewan at the same time, you will have Saskatchewan health coverage beginning on the first day of the third month following the date you established residency in Saskatchewan. Normally, your home province will cover you and your family until your Saskatchewan benefits take effect.
For example, if you established residency in Saskatchewan September 27, then your Saskatchewan health coverage would begin December 1.
Married/Common-Law Couples Moving on Different Dates
If you move to Saskatchewan, and your spouse will be joining you within 12 months of your arrival, then you will both have Saskatchewan health coverage starting on the first day of the third month following the arrival of your spouse in the province.
For example, if you arrive in Saskatchewan on January 1 and your spouse arrives on June 10, then you will both have Saskatchewan health coverage beginning September 1.
If your spouse does not join you within 12 months of your arrival, then you will each be considered individually. You will have Saskatchewan health coverage beginning at the end of the 12-month period and your spouse will have coverage beginning on the first day of the third month following his or her arrival.
For example, if you arrive in Saskatchewan on January 1, 2017 and your spouse joins you in June 2018, then your Saskatchewan health coverage begins January 1, 2018 (at the end of the 12-month period), and your spouse's coverage begins September 1, 2018.
In both situations, your former province of residence will continue to cover you while you are in Saskatchewan, until your Saskatchewan coverage takes effect.
Special Classes of Newcomers
If you are moving to Saskatchewan from outside of Canada, you may be eligible for Saskatchewan health coverage on, or before, the first day of the third month after arriving in Canada, if you are among one of the groups:
Permanent residents (landed immigrants)
People discharged from the Canadian Forces
Non-immigrants who are in Canada in connection with their trade or profession
International students
Returning spouses of Canadian Forces members
Returning Canadian citizens
Saskatchewan Residents
If your home is in Saskatchewan and you normally live in the province for at least five months a year, then you are eligible for Saskatchewan health coverage.
If you are a member of the Canadian Forces or an inmate of a federal penitentiary, then you are covered under federal government programs. Your spouses and dependents are eligible for provincial coverage and must register with eHealth Saskatchewan.
Students Temporarily Outside Saskatchewan Within Canada
If you attend school full time outside of Saskatchewan, within Canada, and plan to live in Saskatchewan after completing your studies, you need to update your health registration information online or complete the following forms, to retain Saskatchewan health coverage:
Students Temporarily Outside Canada
If you attend school full time outside Canada, and plan to live in Saskatchewan after completing your studies, you need to update your health registration information online or complete the following forms, to retain limited, out-of-country health coverage:
It is strongly recommended that students studying abroad apply for extra medical insurance before leaving Canada. Saskatchewan’s out-of-country health coverage is significantly limited and health care costs outside Canada are often much higher than in Saskatchewan.
Students From Other Provinces
If you are a resident of another Canadian province or territory, and are receiving an education in Saskatchewan, then you should retain coverage with your home province or territory. For more information, contact the Health Registries department in your home province.
International Students
If you are an international student temporarily residing in Saskatchewan to further your education, you may be eligible for Saskatchewan health coverage.
Your application will need to accompany proof of full-time enrolment at an accredited educational institute, as well as a valid Study Permit issued by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Apply for a Saskatchewan Health Card
Temporary Absence from Saskatchewan
If you are temporarily living outside Saskatchewan, but intend on returning and living in Saskatchewan, you need to contact eHealth Saskatchewan to ensure your Health Card remains active and you are eligible for health benefits.
Notify eHealth, or complete the
Notification of Extended Absence form, if you will be absent from the province for more than seven months because of:
- A vacation, visiting, business engagement or employment within Canada for up to 12 months.
- An employment contract outside of Canada for a maximum of 24 months.
Contact eHealth Saskatchewan, or complete the
Appeal form, if you disagree with our decision to not issue you a Saskatchewan Health Card.