Norman O'Neill, Board Chair
Norman O'Neill has been an Assistant Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health since August 2022. He currently has responsibilities overseeing the financial requirements of the ministry, strategic planning and legislative services.
Prior to joining the Ministry of Health, he was an Executive Director at the Ministry of Finance with responsibilities related to the development of the annual provincial budget.
Norman holds a Master of Business Administration from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor of Administration from the University of Regina.
Karen Cossitt, Vice Chair
Karen Cossitt has been the Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) at the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement since 2022. As the CPO, Karen strategically leads, oversees and plans the public procurement activities for the Government of Saskatchewan.
Prior to Karen's role as CPO, she was an Executive Director at the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement, providing leadership to major projects, capital and space planning, parks infrastructure and project delivery.
Karen holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering and a Master of Science in Geography from the University of Regina, as well as a Masters Certificate in Project Management from the University of Saskatchewan's Edwards School of Business.