Pharmaceutical Information Program (PIP)

​​​PIP Application Update:

Effective January 22, 2025, pharmacists will assess and treat Pharyngitis (sore throat) and Acute Otitis Media (ear infection) within select pharmacies. This includes rapid testing for Group A Streptococcus (GAS) using point of care testing (POCT). These assessments and GAS POCT results must be electronically captured into PIP. This information will flow into the Medications tab of the eHR Viewer for healthcare professionals. Patients can find this information within MySaskHealthRecord under the Prescription History section of the application.    

Effective August 29, 2022, eHealth will begin capturing all new patient medications dispensed by the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (SCA) pharmacies, including the Saskatoon Cancer Centre (SCC) pharmacy and the Allan Blair Cancer Centre (ABCC) pharmacy in Regina, into the Pharmaceutical Information Program (PIP) record.

Pharmacists can consult SCA Pharmacy Services Monday to Friday 08:00-16:30hrs:

  • Allan Blair Cancer Centre - 306-766-2816

  • Saskatoon Cancer Centre - 306-655-2680 

PIP gives health​ care practitioners secure online access to the information they need to make the best drug therapy decisions for their patients.

The program gives providers the ability to:

  • Access the medication profile for all Saskatchewan residents
  • Enter allergy/intolerance information
  • ePrescribe 

PIP only provides information of prescriptions dispensed in Saskatchewan community pharmacies.

Download PIP JSAP Policy Requirements​

Recent Pharmacy Graduates & PIP Approvers

PIP training requirements have changed (as per the Saskatchewan Drug Plan). Please see the required training sessions, located on the training page.

  • Recent Pharmacy graduates: please ensure to complete all required Prescriber training sessions to avoid delay in accessing the PIP.
  • Prescribers: please ensure to complete the required Prescriber training modules.
  • Approvers: please ensure to complete the required Approvers and Trustees training modules.

eHealth Saskatchewan requires tracked training for anyone wishing to have Prescriber/Approver permissions.

Program Updates

Contact Service Desk

Toll Free: ​1-888-316-7446
Fax: ​1-306-781-8480 

Contact Drug Plan Services

Phone: 1-800-667-7581 or 306-787-3317

Contact PIP Privacy Services

Toll Free: 1-800-667-1672
Regina: 306-787-8963