Released on September 4, 2013

The responsibility for issuing and renewing provincial health cards and administering the provincial health registration system is being transferred to eHealth Saskatchewan from the Ministry of Health.

“We are committed to ensuring there will be a seamless transition with a continued focus on customer service, “ eHealth Saskatchewan CEO Susan Antosh said.  “eHealth is well-suited to incorporate health registration because of our robust privacy and security safeguards for personal health information.”

This move is a natural progression of housing similar services.  eHealth currently works closely with Health Registration to provide support for the electronic system that runs the online application and renewal process for health cards.  The function of health registration aligns well with the recent transfer of vital statistics to eHealth.

The transfer takes effect in early November.

Replace your card, report any changes to family status or update your address.

eHealth Saskatchewan is a Treasury Board Crown Corporation responsible for the implementation of the provincial electronic health record.  eHealth co-ordinates, implements and maintains key electronic health information systems in many public health care organizations.


For more information, contact:

Joan Petrie
Phone: 306-337-0976
Cell: 306-533-2402 

Tyler McMurchy
Phone: 306-787-4083
Cell: 306-537-3594



Le ministère de Santé a confié à Cybersanté Saskatchewan (eHealth Saskatchewan) la responsabilité de la délivrance et du renouvellement des cartes d’assurance-maladie et de l’administration du système d’inscription au Régime d’assurance-maladie.

« Nous nous sommes engagés à garantir une transition harmonieuse axée sur le service à la clientèle », a déclaré la première dirigeante de Cybersanté, Susan Antosh. « Cybersanté convient parfaitement à l’intégration de l’inscription au Régime d’assurance-maladie en raison de ses mesures solides de sécurité et de protection de la vie privée, en ce qui concerne les renseignements médicaux personnels. »

Ce nouveau transfert est une suite logique à l’hébergement de services semblables. Cybersanté travaille déjà en proche collaboration avec les services d’inscription au Régime d’assurance-maladie en fournissant le soutien au système automatisé qui administre l’inscription en ligne au Régime ainsi que le processus de renouvellement des cartes d’assurance-maladie. Cette fonction d’inscription à l’assurance-maladie concorde bien avec le récent transfert des statistiques de l’état civil à Cybersanté. Ce nouveau changement à Cybersanté entrera en vigueur au début novembre.

Pour remplacer votre carte d’assurance-maladie, déclarer tout changement familial ou mettre à jour vos coordonnées, rendez-vous sur le site

Cybersanté Saskatchewan est une société d’État, régie par le Conseil du Trésor, responsable de la mise en oeuvre des dossiers de santé électroniques dans la province, ainsi que de la coordination, l’implantation et le maintien des systèmes électroniques de bon nombre d’organismes du secteur de la santé publique en Saskatchewan.


Renseignements :

Joan Petrie Cybersanté

(eHealth) Regina

Téléphone : 306-337-0976

Courriel :

Tél. cell. : 306-533-2402

Tyler McMurchy Santé Regina

Téléphone : 306-787-4083

Courriel :

Tél. cell. : 306-537-359


Access to More Electronic Information Benefits Patients

Released on April 22, 2013

Saskatchewan residents are another step closer to a provincial electronic health record.  Health care providers with access to the Electronic Health Record (eHR) Viewer can now see immunization histories and participate in a program to help them better manage their patients with chronic diseases like diabetes and coronary artery disease.

“Patients benefit when their health care team has access to clinical information to support improved decision-making,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said.  “Immunizations and chronic diseases are two important areas to address in maintaining good health.”

The eHR Viewer is a secure website developed for Saskatchewan health care providers that provides access to patient profiles regardless of where an individual presents for care or where they live in the province.

The eHR Viewer currently also includes access to all patient prescription and allergy information from community pharmacies and 90 per cent of laboratory results from health regions and the Saskatchewan Disease Control Lab.

“The patient directly benefits from providers having timely access to a more accurate, complete and immediate picture of a patient’s health,” eHealth Saskatchewan CEO Susan Antosh said.  “Providers who are using the eHR Viewer have seen a positive impact on patient care.”

The privacy and security of personal health information is a high priority for eHealth Saskatchewan and a variety of safeguards are in place.

Anyone who is concerned about access to their personal health information can request their information be masked and only be viewed by patient authorization.

eHealth Saskatchewan is responsible for planning, developing and implementing the provincial electronic health record for Saskatchewan.  For more information and to see a video about the eHR Viewer, visit


For more information, contact:

Joan Petrie
eHealth Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-337-0976
Cell: 306-533-2402