​Applying for a Legal Change of Name

Individuals 18 years of age or older must submit an original criminal record check that must be received in our office within 14 days of the date indicated on your criminal record check results from the RCMP or your local police service. Criminal record checks from other organizations will not be accepted. If your criminal record check indicates you have a criminal record, you must submit a criminal record check that requires you to be fingerprinted by your local police or RCMP. 

Contact eHealth Saskatchewan if you want to legally change your given name(s) and/or your surname for any reason, other than:

  • marriage
  • annulment of marriage
  • divorce
  • or the death of your spouse

We will also assist you if you want to legally change the name(s) of your child, children or legal dependent(s).

If you have a common-law spouse and want to change your name, you must file a declaration with eHealth Saskatchewan.

Changes of Name Due to Certain Life Events

You do not need to contact us if you are changing your name because:

  • You are legally married
  • You are divorced
  • Your marriage has been annuled
  • You are widowed​

If you want to change your name due to marriage, annulment of marriage, divorce, or the death of your spouse, you do not have to apply for a legal change of name. In those cases, you can simply begin using your new preferred last name. 

However, you may want to update your name at your workplace and with your banking institution, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), and Canada Revenue Agency. You should also contact us at eHealth Saskatchewan so that we can Update your Health Card. Please note that some agencies may require a legal marriage certificate​ in order to update your last name.​

Contact Us

Toll Free: 1-800-667-7551 (Canada and US) 
Phone: 306-787-3251 
Fax: 306-787-8951 
Email: vitalstatistics@ehealthsask.ca

Phone service: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Walk-in service:  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Monday to Friday Excluding Statutory Holidays